A PETITION has been launched to stop Wirral Council from pulling funding to revamp the Wirral Transport Museum.
The council has decided to pull £3m from a key regeneration project as tensions erupted in public between the local authority and a key business partner at a divisive meeting.
On Wednesday (March 12), the local authority dropped its plan to pump £4.5m of government grant funding into revamping the Wirral Transport Museum, reducing this offer to £1.5m.
A Change.org petition has since been set up by resident, Andrew Neagle asking the council to “halt the funding cuts”.
The petition reads: “As a resident deeply tied to our local history, witnessing our council's destruction of our historical heritage through constant funding cuts is devastating.
“The Wirral history museum's revamp is the last stand in preserving what's left of our once vibrant heritage.
“The plan for further cuts from the Wirral council is like robbing us of our past, a past that shapes our identity as a community.
“Our history museum serves as a beacon for hundreds of community members and tourists annually, shedding light on our town's rich and diverse historical tapestry.
“According to the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions, museums in the UK attracted more than 138 million people in 2019, contributing significantly to local economies.
“Given the importance museums hold in education and local economies, the planned budget cuts are not only taking away our history but also potential educational and economic opportunities.
“This museum isn't just a building with display cases, it is a reservoir that houses the collective memories, struggles, triumphs, and experiences of who we were, who we are and who we can be.
“Forward-looking governments globally are increasing budget allocations for museums and libraries, to preserve their history. It shouldn't be different in Wirral.
“We must not let our council strip away the safeguards for our local history.
“Let us protect what's left of our history from further desecration. Stop Wirral Council from cutting funds for Wirral history museum's revamp. Our past is worth fighting for! Sign this petition today.”
The petition has 91 signatures so far.
Possibly due to indications by Big Heritage CIC who manage the museum that it would not be accepting the council's offer, officers were also given the authority to reallocate funding up to £1.5m if no case was submitted for the Transport Museum funding by April 23.
Now it has pulled the funding, the council says it is looking to redirect this funding towards a new Birkenhead Market in a former Argos, revamping the high street in New Ferry and improvements to Birkenhead Town Centre.
In a speech to councillors, Dean Paton, the chief executive of Big Heritage said Wirral Council was "effectively killing off the Transport Museum" and a delay to work around Woodside was putting the Battle of the Atlantic U-boat museum at risk.
He said: "The people of Birkenhead have got the plans, the money, and the passion all on the table ready to transform the town's fortunes by unlocking its heritage potential.
"Instead there are efforts to divert this funding to prop up a refurbishment of Argos for a market nobody wants."
Source: wirralglobe.co.uk